5 Reasons to Take Your Pet to an Urgent Care Vet!
Just like humans, pets can experience emergencies that require immediate attention. While regular veterinary clinics are fantastic for routine checkups and preventative care, urgent care clinics offer a vital service for unexpected situations. With lower wait times, increased availability, and sophisticated treatment options, urgent care veterinarians step in to help with all kinds of time-sensitive problems that require immediate stabilization and accurate diagnosis.
At VetExpress Animal Urgent Care, we understand that pet emergencies can be stressful and confusing. That’s why we wrote the following blog! The tips below will help you understand the circumstances and scenarios which urgent care works best for.
Common Emergencies for Urgent Care:
Ingestion of Toxins:
Pets are curious creatures, and sometimes, that curiosity leads them to ingest dangerous objects or substances. If you suspect your pet has swallowed something poisonous, urgent care is crucial. Early intervention can be life-saving.
Vomiting or Diarrhea:
While occasional vomiting or diarrhea might not be a cause for immediate alarm, persistent episodes can be a sign of a serious underlying condition. If your pet experiences frequent vomiting or diarrhea, especially if accompanied by lethargy, blood, or dehydration, urgent care is necessary to determine the cause and provide treatment.
Difficulty Breathing:
Labored breathing, wheezing, or coughing are all signs your pet might be struggling. This could be caused by anything from allergies to heart problems. Don’t delay; seek urgent care immediately.
Severe Bleeding or Trauma:
Falls, fights with other animals, or collisions with objects can cause significant injuries. If your pet is bleeding excessively or exhibits signs of trauma, like limping, difficulty moving, or open wounds, urgent care is essential to prevent further complications.
Sudden Change in Behavior:
A sudden change in your pet’s temperament, energy level, or appetite can be a red flag. Excessive lethargy, aggression, or unusual vocalizations might indicate pain, illness, or neurological issues. If you notice a significant shift in your pet’s behavior, seek urgent care for evaluation and treatment.
This list is not exhaustive. If you have any concerns about your pet’s health or suspect an emergency, err on the side of caution and seek urgent care! Our team is here to help outside regular business hours, ready to provide prompt medical attention and compassionate care for your furry friend. Save time and money by stopping in at VetExpress!
At VetExpress Animal Urgent Care, our customized treatment plans, surgical procedures, and aftercare support are always executed with compassion and thorough consideration of all relevant medical history. Your emergency is our top priority, so if your pet is in need, we’re here to help. Contact us to schedule an appointment today!