Beat the Heat! How Urgent Care Vets Can Help Your Pet Handle Heatstroke

Summer’s here, and while pets and owners alike should be happy to get outdoors and into the sunshine, higher temps go hand in hand with higher risk of heatstroke for our animal companions.

Heatstroke is serious, and in Texas, it gets hot. That means this life-threatening condition, caused by excessive overheating, can strike often and quickly, with potentially devastating effects on your pet’s health.  For this post, the team at VetExpress Animal Urgent Care wants folks to know how to recognize or prevent heatstroke in pets altogether, with a few helpful strategies added in regarding how to react in the event of a heatstroke emergency.

Common Yet Deadly

Heatstroke can affect a human at a music festival or on the hiking trail, but we have built in defenses that can help us to recover.

Pets, unfortunately, lack some of these defenses.

According to the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA), pets are more susceptible than humans due to limited sweat glands and a reliance on panting to cool down.

So, how do you recognize heatstroke and what can you do if your pet’s affected? For starters, it’s best to know what kinds of circumstances lead to heatstroke in the first place.

Conditions and Actions Leading to Heatstroke

Several factors can put your pet at risk in the warmer months:

  • Leaving them in hot cars: Even on mild days, a parked car becomes an oven, trapping heat and causing internal temperatures to soar rapidly.
  • Overexertion in hot weather: Long walks, strenuous playtime, or any activity during peak heat hours can overwhelm your pet’s ability to regulate body temperature.
  • Limited access to water: Dehydration significantly increases the risk of heatstroke. Ensure your pet has fresh, cool water readily available throughout the day.
  • Underlying health conditions: Brachycephalic breeds (pugs, bulldogs) and pets with respiratory or heart problems are more prone to overheating.

Warning Signs of Heatstroke

Early detection is vital. Watch for:

  • Excessive panting: If your pet’s panting becomes rapid, labored, or ineffective, that’s definitely a red flag.
  • Excessive drooling: Heavy drooling, especially thick or sticky saliva, indicates overheating.
  • Lethargy or weakness: A sudden lack of energy or stumbling gait can be a sign of heatstroke progression.
  • Elevated body temperature: Rectal temperatures exceeding 103°F (39.4°C) warrant immediate attention.
  • Vomiting or diarrhea: These symptoms can occur due to heatstroke or dehydration.
  • Seizures or coma: In severe cases, heatstroke can lead to seizures or unconsciousness.

Urgent Care: A Lifeline for Overheated Pets

If you suspect heatstroke, time is of the essence. An urgent care veterinarian can help in the event of a heat stroke emergency by providing:

  • Immediate cooling: Veterinarians have rapid cooling methods like cool water baths or intravenous fluids to lower your pet’s body temperature safely.
  • Rehydration: We’ll administer fluids to combat dehydration, restoring electrolyte balance.
  • Supportive care: Depending on your pet’s condition, oxygen therapy, medication, and monitoring may be necessary.

Prevention is Key

A proactive approach is always best. Here are some tips to keep your pet safe:

  • Limit walks and playtime during the hottest parts of the day.
  • Provide ample shade and cool water outdoors.
  • Never leave your pet unattended in a car.
  • Consider cooling vests or mats for extra protection.

Heat stroke hits hard, but with quick reactions and catered care, your pet could make a full recovery. Texas is only going to get hotter in the coming months, so we hope your pet enjoys a happy, healthy spring and a fun-filled summer, too!

At VetExpress Animal Urgent Care, our customized treatment plans, surgical procedures, and aftercare support are always executed with compassion and thorough consideration of all relevant medical history. Your emergency is our top priority, so if your pet is in need, we’re here to help.

We’re looking forward to greeting you in person this June, but if you just can’t wait to learn more, please head over to our brand new website

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